Welcome to Wild Woods Play Co, your premier destination for toy rentals! Our innovative toy rental service allows you to provide endless joy and learning opportunities for your little ones.

1. Simply browse our collection of high-quality toys, select the ones you want, choose your rental duration and pick them up from our Carver County (Waconia), MN location. (Address will be disclosed with order confirmation).

2. A signed waiver and rental agreement is required upon your first order. Sign from the waiver button below, look for an email with waiver link, or sign electronically at your first pick up.

3. Items can be picked up and returned on weekdays from 5pm - 8pm and weekends from 7:30am-12pm.

4. Once your chosen rental duration has ended, return the toys to us to clean and browse for your next rentals!

Color sorting toy for toddlers and preschoolers
wooden rainbow toy
wooden cactus balance toy

We aim to provide caregivers and children access to new toys and items that will spark creativity, imagination and active movement. Our items are specially chosen to promote learning through play and independent play skills. We draw inspiration from open ended toys, Montessori elements and the simplicity of beautifully crafted wooden toys. We believe that children can also be active learners and have curated a wide selection of gross motor items for all ages to enjoy.

Toys and equipment will be cleaned and inspected after each rental. We use force of nature cleaner, an EPA- registered sanitizer and disinfectant that kills 99.9% of viruses, bacteria, mold and mildew. It is EPA approved for use against Covid-19 and kills respiratory and flu viruses too.


After placing your order, please pick up your rentals during our business hours. Delivery for large items may be requested at an additional fee.